By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Here is how you can keep your pets stress-free and content as you move to Austin--so at least somebody in the family isn't a stressed wreck.
Cats have a tendency to attach to places more than people--tales of cats who come with the houses aren't really apocryphal. They are a issue when they are outdoors cats and you will be undertaking a long distance move--cats have been known to leave the new home to go back "home". This may not be such a issue if you are moving down the street, otherwise, it's a substantial issue.
Consider it--your felines will not go to the door to go for a ride every time you pick up your car keys; they're completely happy to continue sunning themselves on the windowsill--until you start packing and the windowsill is gone in back of a stack of boxes. Here is how to take care of your cats.
· Contain free-range felines, starting several weeks prior to when you move to Austin. Get them familiar with staying indoors with you--if it indicates late-life cat litter box coaching, so be it. Encourage them in a animal carrier for a couple of hours every day, to ensure that they're not yowling maniacs when you put them in the car. Take the cats out for short rides while you're running errands--always in the carrier.
· Moving day, place the cat along with all kitty essentials within a room in your home with the door closed. As soon as the professional movers have packed the moving vans and you are able to vacate, insert Kitty into the pet carrier. If the cat does not travel nicely, your veterinarian could prescribe something, so your cat doesn't have a meltdown inside the car, hence causing you and the dog plus the kids to have their own mini-meltdowns.
· As soon as you're established in the new house, repeat the moving-out process for several days. Keep the felines contained in a space together with their things, whilst you deal with the hubbub of moving, unpacking, and settling in. Even with indoor kitties, they'll be happier--and less inclined to illustrate their discontent by disregarding the litter box--if you hold on until you've settled in a bit to let them to roam free in the house.
· For outside kitties, they are going to take some time to adjust to the new scents of the home and to understand this is the place their people are, before they ought to be let out to roam. Put a bowl of food outdoors to remind them where exactly home is.
Your dog just likes to be with you, but he will get nervous if you are uneasy. Canine anxiety is highest pre-move, so here's how to keep Spot calm and cool when you're losing your head.
· Give plenty of time for packing, should you be packing yourself. Watching a bit of activity everyday is not a big problem; going to doggy day camp for the day and coming back home to a bare home will freak him out.
· Keep in your standard routine--walks, supper, whatever you do, carry on doing it.
· Bring up to date the contact details if he is microchipped; you can typically go online to make those changes.
· At the new residence, show him the lawn, take him out for a stroll, and ensure supper time is consistent.
Fish, Hamsters, Birds
Secure the crates in the rear of your car or truck or make use of a pet mover to move them. As fish tanks and fish can be a headache to transport, you could look at offering the aqua-pets to an elementary school.
Acquire copies of your pet's vet records prior to when you move to Austin, so you will have the whole set of immunization records on hand if you want to board before you'll visit the new veterinary clinic.
Keeping the pets content while you move to Austin will go quite a distance to keeping you content. Following these tips will alleviate the pressure of relocating the pets, at least.
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