The more miles you need to move from Austin, the greater you’ll appreciate the services of A-1 Freeman Moving Group. Long-distance moving is second nature to us. We’ve been helping customers do it for some time now, after all. A lot of our help entails our being a model of strength, confidence, and proficiency for those who’ve never moved from state to state or across the country. Our fastidious attention to detail, our savvy professionalism, and our wide array of flexible, personalized moving services always seem to win the day. You’ll see that immediately in how smoothly we handle …
The Moving Process
We fulfill each and every one of the following tasks relating to your move:
FREE Ballpark Pricing
We’ll tell you approximately what you’ll pay for your move once you’ve first met with us and we’ve ascertained the sorts of moving services necessary to get you from here to “there.” To be sure, this ballpark estimate may rise or fall, depending on the services you ultimately purchase.
The Home Survey
Our objective – in every case – is to meet your needs and work within the context of your schedule. That’s why we offer two estimating options. Select the most appropriate for you:
The Written Estimate
After initially talking with you, taking the move options you’ve selected into consideration, and reviewing the results of your Home Survey, we present you with a written estimate that more specifically sets the financial outlay required for your long-distance move.
The Customer Agreement
Signing this agreement – your move contract – affirms that you’ve consented to our terms and pricing. Delineated in the agreement are …
The Move Plan
Here’s where you’ll be introduced to your very own A-1 Freeman Moving Group Move Concierge. He or she will guide you in planning your move from start to finish. The pre-move planning gets off to a start with a confirmation of the dates, addresses, and services you’ve chosen. Then you’ll be given a preview of what to expect from your move. Have no fear, ask questions! That’s precisely what your Move Concierge is trained for – to provide you with answers, keep you up to speed throughout the move process, and keep that whole procedure going smoothly, expeditiously, and flawlessly.
The Pre-Move Confirmation
When your move date is close, we alert you by phone or email to affirm it, insuring that all dates, times, locations, and other critical aspects still meet your approval. This also serves to bolster your confidence that we’ll be on hand and ready to go when the time finally does arrive.
We provide three ways to help un-hassle the hassle of packing. choose the one that best satisfies your wishes and your wallet:
Our loading methodology is simple, organized, safe, and elegant:
At your new home we’re equally careful and systematic in unloading and placing your possessions.
The Post-Move Follow-up
After the move, your Move Concierge will phone you to see if everything went to your satisfaction. He or she also will talk with you about any unresolved matters that may still need taking care of. Even more important, your Move Concierge will, on behalf of all of us at A-1 Freeman Moving Group, THANK YOU for picking us as your long-distance mover!