When a couple is trying to integrate households in Austin, there is no limit to how complicated it can become. You can make this change a lot less difficult, however, when you create a good plan. We are not meaning an everday garden-variety type plan. An event of this magnitude demands a decent amount of strategic planning.
Dropping hints about why your things need to be in the new house and why mostly all of their things must be recycled or gotten rid of, is not going to work. A more successful option of dealing with this involves you both going over all of your choices, brainstorming some ideas, and then looking for different ways to make things go swimmingly. Follow these four pointers to help you begin.
Tip #1
Review all expectations prior to moving the first thing in Austin.
If you choose to blend households, you both have to take into consideration that you have your unique ways of accomplishing things. Everyday routines and lifestyles will need to merge. When you have thought about what to expect, the changeover will be much smoother.
Whether you are moving to a new home or moving into your partner's house, these are a few things you should ask.
Getting all this right there on the table will support you to work together and head off any possible problems.
Tip # 2
Tag duplicate things and pick and choose favorites from each person's possessions.
There was a TV program called “Clean Sweep” where professionals assisted homeowners clear one or two rooms of disorder during a two-day period. This wasn't straightforward and there were some uneasy talks between those homeowners. We do not desire for you to experience that, so here are several tips to help things move along without tears.
Tip # 3
Arrive at an agreement about how these things will fit into the new place.
This is important because you don't want to begin moving in and then say, “Wait, where is all my stuff supposed to go?”.
It does not have to get stressful. Just talk through each room and weigh where you'll set what. If you make some rough sketches preceeding the move, you'll remember what you talked about.
What if there isn't a lot of space? An empty kitchen cabinet can hold work papers, books, collectibles and other things. You can also buy floating shelves, wall mounted shelves and under-bed storage containers. Over the door hooks and organizers can give an area for shirts, ties, hats, scarves, handbags and even jewelry.
Tip # 4
Compromise, not criticize the other's belongings. They might have things that you think are dreadful but have sentimental value to the other person.
You might feel that this is a good time to just go crazy and dispose of all the things that you think are useless or unsightly. That assortment of glasses, mugs and plates that he's collected over the the last decade? Out of here. Those dolls and stuffed animals that seem to be all over in her apartment? Gone.
Just discuss with them compassionately and explain the reason you think something will not fit into your new home and then see if you can put together a compromise.
Whether you are moving together into a new home or one person is moving in with another, it is vital to be thoughtful of each other's needs because this change is new for both of you.
At A-1 Freeman, we know that moving is a major change in your life so we want to help make it less stressful. Whether you're simply moving across the city or to a completely different part of the country, let us do most of the hard work for you. And when you decide which things you're going to keep, we will treat each item with the proper care and respect it deserves.